10/16/2009: Week 6: Opening Night

Ms. MArshall wasn't mad at me for slipping behind on my photos for the drama club's fall play last week during their dress rehearsal, but she did tell me and Killian we HAD to go to the opening night together and get photos of the show.
I took this as a chance to finally check in with Dierdre, who I haven't spoken to since practically Oktobrefest. I guess the awkwardness of her having a crush on me isnt so bad compared to what she had to see.
Now that I think about it, its kinda seems weird that theyre still going ahead with a murder mystery play on schedule days after an actual murder mtstery happened on that exact stage. Talk about the show must go on...
Anyways, Dierdre didn't want to talk to me. I guess I should have known this was a bad time to bring up all that scary stuff right before the show. I kept pushing though, trying to her to talk to me about it, about anything
but i know now that wasnt the right move, cause it just mad her really upset and she was almost late getting to her spot on stage.
idk if i liked her like that, but i think i might have blown any chances ith her if i did.
When the show started, I watched from the sidelines behind the curtain. Dierdre's playing Ms Scarlet in Clue, and she's remembering all her lines, you'd never guess i made her so emotional a few minutes ago.
Somethign felt off though in the auditorium, like whatever happened at Oktobrefest was aboutt o happen again. i was feeling sweaty and sick, looking arond backstage and spying on everyone the stage and trying to look into the crowd for anything weird but all the stage lights totally blinded me. PRactically the whole school was crammed here in the auditorium in total darkness it was like we were sitting ducks in here. Didnt anyone care two kids were found dead here THIS MONTH?
Then someone up in the light booth accidentally moved the spotlight off to the wrong corner of the auditorium- maybe its a newbie filling in last minute for Rue who was in charge of lights. But when the spotlight swung the wrong way, it pointed directly on Killian by the entrance getting shots of the performance BUT Killian wasnt alone! There was a shadow standing right behind him, like the shadowy figure only visible on my camera screen weeks ago!!
It happened so fast, lights on lights off and the spotlight corrected back onto the stage and the shadow was invisble again, but Killian's scream was real. MY stupid clumsy feet tangled in the extension cords and curtain strings around me and all i could think was killian lied to me once, then he told the truth and i didnt believe him and hes about to die in front of the entire school and no ones gonna believe it either. All the characters in the show were screaming too cus it reached the part in the story where the lights go off and the first murder happens.
Killian was flailing on the ground wrestling with something he couldnt see. he fought off this thing before but this time hes not alone I was screaming too and i tried to scream louder than anyone else as i ran down the steps at the side of the stage trying to reach Killian in time. I dont even remember what i was shouting maybe hes killing him hes killing him help help turn on the lights hes killing killian why did killians name have to sound so much like killing him?
All the lights in the auditorium flipped on at once so everyone could get a looka t my public freakout, and for a second I saw Killian levitating almost a foot off the ground but then he fell on his back like a ragdoll.
Killian was okay. I stopped whateer was going to happen from happening and him and i were kicked out of the auditorium and Ms. Ishikozume called our moms and said we ruined the school play with an insensitive prank.
They wouldnt let me back in to grab our yearbook cameras, I hope everyone leaves them where we dropped them until Monday. We sat by the curb of the parking lot waiting to get picked up but neither of us were ready to talk about what just happened.
Right when my mom finally pulled up, I heard a scream coming from inside the auditorium. I don't think it was Mrs. Peacock or Mr. Green on stage either. I think it sounded like Tristan.
But I guess I wont know about that until Monday either.